'King' Charles III, or, as we would say in Irish, Charles the t'urd. Vive la révolution?

1 year ago

Ladies and Gentlemen, Your new king, 'King' Charles III, or, as we would say in Irish, Charles the t'urd. Vive la révolution? Queen Elizabeth dead; #charlesiii .. Vive la révolution? Yeah.. right.. Previously: https://youtu.be/BLNrU-0ibbg ~ Potted history of the robber baron scumbags.. #PrincessDiana #HolyRomanEmpire, #Church, Germanic tribes.. pardon my nipples Ma'm.. ~ Random thoughts with Gin, tonic and Kind of Blue ~ by Miles Davis..
Previously: 25 Years since the passing of the beautiful spirit known to the world as Princess Diana - I was fortunate enough to have had the great pleasure of meeting Diana twice - both times in my hometown in England - she exuded grace and light - a beautiful spirit indeed.
My last few videos on TikTok (Douyin) Got 97,000 and 37,000 views.. This one currently on 3024 views.. Since a few hours ago ~ You can see why I can't be arsed with Western Social Media these daze.. See: https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAAWU7yzyz7jJFnMuoD1JQ1Rep3JFQnAl4uM7hGUp8N-74
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival https://linktr.ee/barriev 😊😊🌕🌕🌹🌹
CGTN asked me about the #BBC #MartinBashir #PrincessDiana Interview Scandal:
BBC News You Can Trust? BBC Used Fear to manipulate a member of the 'royal family - Princess Diana - Imagine what they'll do to manipulate YOU!
: https://youtu.be/kNqZo8SymoU?t=182
My Take: "BBC Lie. Promise to Clean Up. Fail. Again + Again" #BBC Jimmy Savile - See Also: Ghislaine Maxwell.. Jeffrey Epstein, Robert Maxwell, MOSSAD, Anglo-Zionist Empire.
Barrie VVeiss' first interview with Liu Xin for 'The Point' on CGTN.
Discussing the scandal of the BBC and Martin Bashir falsifying and forging bank statements, lying, and using scare tactics to frighten Princess Diana into doing an interview with them
- Yes, the BBC lied and cheated to steal an interview - - wonder where they got that habit from?
If they'd do this to a member of the royal family - imagine what they've been doing, all this time, to you!
Barrie's second interview with Liu Xin on 'The Point' for CGTN here: https://youtu.be/OwFCiuF4ea8
Barrie on BiliBili https://bilibili.com/video/BV17Y411x7DE and Douyin - TikTok https://douyin.com/video/7030251405008997639 China
Barrie VVeiss on: Website: https://bestchinainfo.com
Weibo: https://weibo.com/5328095643
BiliBili: https://space.bilibili.com/600273877
TikTok - Douyin: https://www.ixigua.com/home/57526845157
TikTok / Douyin: https://www.douyin.com/video/7030370515592203527
YT Community: https://www.youtube.com/c/BestChinaInfo
Website: https://bestchinainfo.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ China Beehive Beehive China
Barrie V on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@BarrieVv:1
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See also Barrie's ridiculing of various and sundry MSM blah blah codswallop here:
https://youtu.be/CbaFcW1H_Zc https://bestchinainfo.com/how-i-was-fooled-by-western-propaganda/ https://youtu.be/9D9I3Ac6HC4?t=471 https://bestchinainfo.com/news/exposing-the-sinophobic-propaganda-agenda/ and https://bestchinainfo.com/news/time-to-plan-your-exit-strategy-from-twitter-youtube-google-best-china-info/ https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ug_zLV9A9Ms

Great honour for us: https://twitter.com/SpokespersonCHN/status/1366335152415150081 https://youtu.be/L0oo8PsUKrA?t=55

Best China Info - Whimsical thoughts, notions, views.. from a happy life in China

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