Discover How to Lower LDL Cholesterol Without Using Statins

2 years ago
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Discover How to Lower LDL Cholesterol Without Using Statins

Hi. and welcome once again to Health & Wellness.

If someone goes to see a doctor in regards to how to lower LDL cholesterol levels, then more often than not they will be put on statins. Statins are in fact the most profitable drug ever made because the person taking them is now on them for life however they have numerous side effects, some of which can be as bad as having high LDL levels in the first place.

The statins work by inhibiting an enzyme in the body, unfortunately at the same time they also effect another enzyme which is needed because it is an antioxidant. This enzyme not only combats free radicles in your body but is also needed by every single cell for energy. Inhibiting this enzyme can lead to muscle problems including weakness and pain, and a certain muscle in your body is your heart and we do not want to be weakening that, do we?

How To Lower LDL Cholesterol Without Statins.

When we look at how to lower LDL cholesterol there are five objectives involved. They are

• Reduce production.
• Reduce absorption into gastrointestinal tract.
• Decrease circulating fats and dissolve cholesterol particles.
• Increase excretion of cholesterol carrying bile acid.
• Lower oxidization of cholesterol.
Now some of this can be achieved by cutting out foods high in trans fats, however the food you eat only plays a small role in the creation of LDL, but there are natural ways how to reduce LDL cholesterol that meet the 5 objectives we have listed.
To reduce production, we can use policosanol. This inhibits the same enzyme that statins do, however it does not inhibit the second enzyme which is needed for energy by our cells. It achieves this through an alcohol that is contained within it and has been clinically proven to be as effective as statins.

To reduce absorption into the gastrointestinal tract we can use phytosterols. These are very similar in structure to cholesterol and what happens is they both end out competing for space for absorption; but because of its cellular make up the phytosterol is absorbed.

Lecithin is an emulsifying agent which dissolves the cholesterol particles so that there are less circulating fats in the body. As well as that it also increases the amount that is turned into bile salts for excretion from the body.

Finally to lower oxidization then green tea is extremely helpful as when it is fermented the bioflavonoids it contains not only prevent oxidization but also lower LDL and increase HDL.

Everything we have mentioned here is widely available, however the challenge is that on their own they are not going to have a major impact on your health; the only way how to lower LDL cholesterol naturally is by using each of the components in conjunction with each other.

If you need more information, or want a definitive solution to bad cholesterol, you can visit my website. There you’ll find the most powerful techniques to control bad cholesterol that exist today. Just click the link in description.

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