A Cool Little Adventure I Did Yesterday Paid Off Big! One of My biggest Ever Brook Trout!

2 years ago

I chronicle my adventures not to say "look at me," I do it for you, with the hopes that maybe you will remember how fun living in the real world is. Watch this view through. Look and see the genuine glee on my face when I land that hog brook trout, a fish that is only 14" inches long, and yet a trophy class fish for anyone who knows brook trout. I was so excited I was literally shaking. All alone on the wilderness, living my dreams. Yes this was my dream while in prison. I didn't think about Lambos and mansions from my books. I dreamed of this video, being alone (or with a good friend) in the deep wilderness, catching those tiny little amazing fish. I had only done it twice before prison, but had fallen head over heels in love with it. The setting, the ambiance. the smell. It is sop special. Big brookies are literally THE hardest fish to catch in fresh water. Hands down. And it takes a well honed set of skills to do it. Requires a LOT of hard work. But the reward is immense. Just being there is the ultimate reward, with God, in His bedroom. I drove my enduro dirt bike 50 miles there, then 6 miles in off the highway down a remote wooded trail, and then a mile hike in. And finally, magic. My happy place. The peace, serenity and solitude is the prize. Catching fish is just icing. Then after a few hours of my paradise, I drove 50 miles on my bike as the sun set in the review mirror behind me. Spectacular. I could not ask for a better day. And even if I struck it rich, got a movie deal for my books, I would be doing the same exact thing. Just more of it. Right now, I have to work my ass off and earn. But someday, hopefully soon, I won't have to worry about money. And on that day, you will see me doing a LOT of brook trout fishing. Why? It is my happy place. My passion. My obsession. My love. I just look forward to sharing it with more friends and loved ones. That is also my dreams. To have the funds to where money won't be a factor. Everything is on me. Those people know who they are. Genuine supporters. Everyone else, all I can do is hope to inspire you to live. To chase dreams, learn from failures. forget negative people, and never relent till they win. IN then meantime, life is out there to love! This day of fishing cost me $6 in gas and $6 in bait. But the memory was priceless. I will never forget this day. And my goal is to help you get to your happy place where you can experience days like this. But doing what YOU love. It is so easy to get sucked into drama and negativity on social media. What a waste of time and energy. I refuse to do it any longer. My time is too valuable. eople can think what they want of us. Matters none. Get outside and live, in the real world. I'm appreciative that you enjoy me, my stories and these adventures, but forget me. Just allow me to inspire you. You have your own passions and dreams and talents. Use them before it is too late. People die all then time. We are getting older by the day. Don't look back with regret and say, "Man, I wasted so much time on social media or wherever, and now I'm too old to go do all the things I always wanted to do." Be the guy who looks back and says, "Hell yeah. I lived!" You will have the memories as proof. They may not be chronicled in a YT video or in some fed file pf court document, LOL, but you will know what you did. And the people with you will know. In the end, that is all that matters. We don't live for other people. We live for us and our loved ones. So put the phone down, find your happy place and get there. LIVE! LOVE! ENJOY! Tick tock. No time to waste. I guess I have a more special appreciation for time. I lost 13 yers to a prison cell. I swore I would always live life to the fullest, as long as I could. And I am keeping my word. I hope this video brings you a little entertainment and joy, but more importantly, it inspires you to live! Go make memories. Love people. Forget negative people, haters and non factors. They will always be miserable people. Not many truly happy people. Be one of them. I feel like I have already won the greatest prize on earth--happiness and peace. Find yours. I will support you, whoever you are. God bess!

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