The Well-Rounded Survivalist | ON Three

2 years ago

In this episode of ON Three, Jason shares his experiences and struggles of being a well-rounded survivalist.

It’s valuable to have a specialist survivalist or prepper or a comms expert in the community. But on the other side of the spectrum, being well-rounded means not just being the best at any one thing but being good enough at most key survival tasks to get the job done.

Let’s look at nature for examples. Some of the most successful species on the planet are raccoons, coyotes, and possums. If we look at these animals, they’re so prolific worldwide because they can eat just about anything. They’re not specialists. They can live in just about every environment--from alpine areas down to the bottomland swamps.

But then you look at an animal like the panda, and it’s ridiculous how they only geat one thing. So if something happens to bamboo, they’d be all dead. So a well-rounded survivalist is like a raccoon or coyote.

While nature might punish a specialist, society rewards that specialist. So if you want to make a lot of money or be immensely successful, you need to pump all of your energy into that one thing and be the best at it or make that product that you’re making the best that it can be.

That’s fantastic, but at the same time, it’s essential to be flexible and adaptable. Since you’ve kind of locked yourself into that narrow realm and you’re highly successful doesn’t mean that you can’t stray from it.

You’re an expert at flying a plane, for instance. But if the airline industry dies down or your plane gets hijacked or crashes in the wild, it’s going to be a struggle to face those survival challenges.

Stay with us on the video to dive deeper into the discussion of a specialist vs. a jack-of-all-trades.

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