Bases 128 Part 1 Dollie Eanna IndigoStar Intro

1 year ago

Collie was scanned for implants and she and her business partner for SpaceLink TV registered massive Radio Frequency signals. Some say from Alien Implants. This very troubled and interrupted interview due to severe mic issues and noise, is part 1 of her story, an introduction. She first spoke at BASES2015 as a Bases witness.

Her bio:-
Dollie Eanna IndigoStar- Ancient Astronauts Theorist - Editor Producer Writer - Credited Anomaly and Astro- Anthropologist, and credited Archeo-Astronomy Researcher . And member of UFAH - Independent Host Affiliate and Presenter of Shows, Series, Tv, Radio, Conferences and broadcasting events for the Disclosure community of Life within the Universe - SpaceLink Tv - Producer for Alternative Media Sources - Also Known for: What If - We Had Full Disclosure Tomorrow (Documentary 2017) DocUFObia - Life Beyond Our Existence (Documentary 2017) Raw Talk Sessions With Dollie IndigoStar (2020) Mars Moon Space TV (2016 - 2020) (Streaming Platform - Website - Youtube - Vimeo) SpaceLink TV (Present) (2020 -) (Streaming Platform - Website - 4biddenknowledge TV - Youtube - Vimeo The Black Knight Satellite (Documentary 2021)

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