"Average Joes" - September 11th, 2001, Tribute

1 year ago

“Average Joes of 9/11”
A tribute to the "common man" of September 11, 2001

The memory of September 11th. causes our spirits to sway.
Countless are ones who still acknowledge evils of the day.
Many are those who thank God for those who acted brave,
and in the midst of the horror, their lives willfully gave.

Ones, who knew death was at hand, yet answered the call--
selfless sacrifices made by those who in love lost all.
Just ordinary, Average Joes, working behind the scenes,
who when tragedy struck, responded to victim's screams.

Many that we shall never be able to give a word of thanks.
They answered the call to help and moved up to hero rank;
forging on through the fire and ashes to find any lost souls,
searching through the debris to bring them back to the fold.

They are true heroes who surely now grace Heaven's way,
as they gave the ultimate gift of love on that horrific day.
Words of Jesus instruct us to love all sisters and brothers.
A commandment He considers greater than all the others.

Each Average Joe became an unsung hero in our hearts,
by answering their brother's calls for help from the start.
In fear they did not turn away, but comfort to others gave,
even when knowing such action would put them in a grave.

The stars shine brighter because of the hope they gave.
Just an Average Joe became an extraordinary hero!
God bless them all!
"You can be sure that the American spirit will prevail over this tragedy." -
Colin Powell

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