Zelensky is EVIL 😈, and you have to call out evil when you see it ☠ by @Coach Red Pill

2 years ago

Coach Red Pill speaks out the truth about President Zelensky’s regime during the conflict between Russia and Ukraine that started on the 24th of February 2022.

NOTE: This is not my usual type of content and I might get into trouble by uploading this, but like Coach Red Pill said in this video - “You need to call out evil when you see it.”
I'm not on Russia's side nor believe that Putin's decision to invade Ukraine was justifiable. But I believe PRESIDENT ZELENSKY IS NOT A HERO. "My concern here is the lives of the Ukrainian people".

Handing untrained civilians AKs willy nilly, teaching them how to make Molotov cocktails, placing Howitzer artilleries near civilian buildings, and “forcing” men to separate with their families to fight a potentially losing battle against highly-trained and well-equipped Russian soldiers is NOT a definition of a hero as some media claim President Zelinsky to be.
It’s easy for him to send his people to fight on the streets “exposed” while he puts on some battle gear and barricades himself then puts on a show for the media.
Then once people get killed (already have), his regime takes it as “photo op” to show to the west for changing the narrative and drawing in sympathy and support. 🤨

I’ve been a subscriber of @Coach Red Pill for years so I know for a fact that he’s not BS.
Please excuse the language in the video; I didn't have the time to censor it.
All I know is people need to see this and look at things from a different perspective so they can make informed decisions.

If you want more of this type of content, let me know in the comments.

#russianarmyvsukraine army PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE
Due to Google's recent policy update regarding the war in Ukraine, YouTube has put restrictions and limitations on my videos. Meaning they took away my ad revenue and will not recommend my videos to viewers because I do not follow their standard narrative of "praising Zelensky and the US government". Fine, I'm not in it for the money anyway. What matters to me is to "SPREAD THE TRUTH". Please help me fight YouTube's biased algorithm by hitting the LIKE BUTTON and SHARING my content. Thank you!  

В связи с недавним обновлением политики Google в отношении войны в Украине, YouTube ввел ограничения и лимиты на мои видео. Это означает, что они лишили меня доходов от рекламы и не будут рекомендовать мои видео зрителям, потому что я не следую их стандартному описанию "восхваления Зеленского и правительства США". Ладно, я все равно не ради денег. Главное для меня - "распространять правду". Пожалуйста, помогите мне бороться с предвзятым алгоритмом YouTube, нажав на кнопку LIKE и поделившись моим контентом. Спасибо!  


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