Pakistan - Man Made- FLASH FLOOD

2 years ago

You can hear in this video an older bloke state "Never seen this in over 40 years"
With reports of Minimal rain in the area only over 3 days. And further up the Mountain also.
With Clear Skies in the video.
Tell us Woke Folk that know about Geo-Engineering - HAARP - Chemtrails and huge Barium Rockets and Balloons and Geo-Engineering being on Government websites Worldwide and Military Documents about owning the Weather By 2025.
Guess what they already do.. and they already are committing "Weather Warfare"

The bloke standing on the bridge - NEVER copy this...
You never know if the Earth under the poles holding that bridge up might give way... That whole bridge could instantly sink if those supports fail.

But look at that water... the reason the old guy hadnt seen this EVER.. in over 40 years... is because the Flood Sent to Pakistan was NOT natural...

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