Remembering September 11th, 2001 "Another Year Has Passed" 😭💔#tribute

1 year ago

"Another Year Has Passed"
Remembering September 11th., 2001

Oh my God, another year has now passed us by,
And in my mind, I continue to hear victims cry.
Perhaps, I’ll always hear them inside my head,
each time I kneel to say a prayer beside my bed.

The words are slow to come to my lips at first.
I believe to heal, they for Your care must thirst.
Many still harbor ill-will within a broken heart.
To be set free, hate and animosity must depart.

May I be one to intercede for them before You,
as I request hearts to be healed with love anew.

“Dear Father in Heaven,

Have mercy on families who still need time to heal.
Take care of those with wounds they can’t conceal.
Bestow blessings on this majestic country of ours,
as minutes continue to slip into more lonely hours.

Please give strength to the weak; uphold the strong,
especially those whose struggles have been too long.
Help us to understand the reasons of those far away,
who brought grief to us that fateful September day!

Heal hearts that are often overflowing with hate,
knowing You alone decide each soul’s eternal fate.
Guide us with wisdom, compassion and love for all,
as we reflect back to the day many heard Your call.

I cannot accept the reasons why so many died that day.
In my heart I shall continue for their loved ones to pray.
May we honor the memory of each soul no longer here
by paying tribute to their sacrifice each and every year!
Sheila Bowyer Kline
Let us never forget the victims of September 11th. - World Trade Center,
The Pentagon, and Flight #93, Schnecksville, PA.

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