Gen. Flynn Shares Unnerving Theory On The Origins Of QAnon

2 years ago

Red Voice Media Published September 10, 2022

News and Commentary
"...the plan is 'We the People.' The plan is you and I."

By Gregory Hoyt
September 10, 2022

In an interview with The Western Journal earlier in September, former National Security Advisor and retired three-star General Michael Flynn shared his theory on the possible origin of the QAnon movement, speculating that QAnon hosts many of the hallmarks of government-fueled “information warfare” rather than a movement that organically manifested among conservative circles.

The emergence of QAnon dates back to late 2017 when an anonymous poster on 4Chan asserted to hold a Q-level government security clearance (which is the equivalent of a DoD Top Secret security clearance within the Department of Energy), sharing posts claiming that President Trump was embroiled in an ongoing fight against an elite pedophile ring and later went on to assert that Trump was still secretly acting as the president following the outcome of the 2020 election.

Members of the mainstream media over the past couple of years have speculated that the person behind QAnon was a man named Ron Watkins, the son of the owner of 8Chan (to which QAnon migrated after 4Chan), who also went on to be a Republican congressional candidate in Arizona. However, Watkins vehemently denied these accusations, and the only proof brought forth by members of the media were mere circumstantial assumptions.

But General Flynn, who has been maligned by the media as somehow being in cahoots with QAnon, theorizes that QAnon was a movement born and bred as a deliberate “disinformation” campaign – possibly by the U.S. government.

Citing his extensive military experience and knowledge of information warfare that was waged against adversarial entities like ISIS and al-Qaeda, General Flynn emphasized that the U.S. government crafting something like QAnon isn’t out of their wheelhouse.

“One of the things that I do know about our government is our government’s ability to project, and our government’s ability to put together disinformation campaigns, psychological operations, and psychological campaigns…Information warfare is something our government gets involved in.”

This theory of General Flynn’s is apparently one he thinks holds water, adding, “I raise this because…I really do believe that it is some type of government campaign. Maybe it’s being done by…ultra-government organizations, you know, that are working on behalf of it.”

General Flynn did admit that his theory on the origin of QAnon is simply him “speculating,” but noted that given his “level of expertise in these types of efforts,” it’s a theory that should be afforded strong consideration.

“This is something that I can see our government — and they’re going to go crazy on this — but I can see our government, you know, somewhere, at some level, putting something like this together, but bifurcating it from the government and turning it over to another body.”

Despite mainstream media outlets having attempted to tie General Flynn to QAnon, he’s been fairly adamant at urging conservatives not to buy into the claims that have spawned from the QAnon movement about some secret “plan” that is unfolding. Instead, General Flynn says the only “plan” conservatives should be embracing is one of “We the People.”

“This idea that there’s some ‘plan,’ or something that’s going to happen…You know, I keep telling people, the plan is ‘We the People.’ The plan is you and I. The plan is me and guys like me and people like me getting out there to encourage people to get involved in the everyday life of this country.”

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