2 years ago

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (2017+) contains Graphene Oxide. They are laying a conductive 'utility fog' for their ambient rf energy harvesting grids.
Street Lighting are Telensa wireless nodes and can transfer energy packets up to 10km (Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer using Bluetooth Low Energy).
They have redefined our data types, the energy data scavenged from our biospheres is classed as raw data, industrial data, anonymous data, and the latest - private data.
Not to be confused with personal data (information) when applying for the 'right to be ignored' option in the new GDPR law.
The lucky person that collects these raw data packets can mix it all together (data fusion) and make a BIG DATA block, a commodity in Blockchain, when ownership is authenticated by KEYSTONE.
Green energy is this type of BIG DATA stored in DATA CENTRES worldwide, they call it 'redundancy - left over energy! They need to sell us this quickly because it becomes volatile when stored. They are catching fire, worldwide.
When Q post mention data and uses CAPS this is the reference, Godfather III, Iron Eagle, Wonderland are all Colocation DATA CENTRE Networks.

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