2 years ago

Prophetic Word:
Today I am doing a new thing to help My people break out of the old and to shift into the new. I have been challenging many of you decide how you want to proceed. In/Through Me- or on your own apart from me within your own flesh/heart- which can cause you to depart from the one you say you love so dear. Because serving the flesh will cost you something in this hour- something that lack power-and usually something that forfeits eternity. Because there are many who say I am going “Your/Yaweh) without realizing they are only being led astray. They have chosen to depart from the faith and to go their own way when I have not called them to that delay – so they do so without realizing they are being led to give up their futures/ callings.

But this day is a moment in time that I have predestined to determine who is Mine to see if you would see, or be deceived by the voices sent in around you. There are voices of lying/dismay, many would say, but what they don’t’ realize is that they are being put on parade/only to be entertained by lying spirits sent by the occult. And what they don’t realize is that when they pray, I don’t hear them because they betrayed the only person that can help them. Those sheep they get answers here and there, but they are answered unaware by demonic powers sent to lure them into further despair down a road to nowhere. ON PURPOSE and because of lack of maturity in Me those that refuse to see that the truth they once held so dear is beginning to pull away from thee. The enemy thinks he has caused My flock to dwindle because of the swindle that he keeps placing around many of you.

But for you/my true sheep – you have awoken from your sleep choosing to keep/ My statutes/& My truth as I continue to take you through, to the place of your youth, Where you once held me in high esteem. I have set apart those for space/place as you enter back into My grace, which was the place of love for the world to find Me. I am showing who is Mine/ operating in true DIVINE & WHO is the devils (including all those that revel) with their flesh demanding that the sheep mesh to the things not imparted by Heaven. But for those that refuse- will My world be NEW as they will see My TRUE STANDARD. This hour of power will force true believers NOT to cower or subvert themselves to a liar not holy or true, because My true sheep know Me as SHEPARD, and I am NO LEOPARD who changes his Mind on a dime. MY standard/MY SPIRIT/My truth – you can hear it- and only true love CAN GET YOU THERE. But to that I would ask: “For what does the devil have- to keep you earth bound here? For you here/ this place you think you hold dear, only filled with his lies/fear – for this place is passing away. if you are truly Mine, your future lies in the DIVINE and so I have called you to accelerate into your future.
But for those who seek false power- you will find in this hour that the light you seek is not true. You see you have been duped by the flesh and its puke only to find with it MY STRONG REBUKE- because you failed to see the TRUE MASTER.
And for that I will concur as you seek what you prefer only to allow your NEW TASK MASTER to add to your future sorrow.

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