DOJ Appeals Ruling After SCORCHING Admonishment by Federal Judge

1 year ago

The Department of Justice (DOJ) just filed an appeal of the federal judge’s ruling that ordered the appointment of a Special Master to review the documents that were seized by the FBI in its unprecedented raid of President Trump’s home.
The DOJ actually submitted two filings. The first one asked for a partial stay of the judge’s order, and warned if they weren’t granted the stay they would just file and appeal. But then the DOJ just went ahead and filed the appeal, asking for the entire order to be overturned.
So despite having admitted twice that it mishandled the documents, Biden’s DOJ doesn’t want an independent Special Master to see what the FBI agents actually took, so it’s essentially telling the judge: either grant us a stay, or we’ll just seek relief from the 11th Circuit. Meanwhile they’ve actually already filed the appeal. The Deep State DOJ is just desperately firing all guns and hoping one finds its target. I wonder why.
Maybe because they know handing the documents over to the Special Master takes away their control. It threatens to expose the well-crafted narrative they’ve been spinning thus far. And they don’t want that.
There are rules and procedures in place to protect the rights of American citizens. What we’re really seeing played out here is the Deep State’s refusal to follow the rules when it doesn’t serve their agenda.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more discussion of this latest political gameplay by the Biden DOJ to block the appointment of a Special Master. We are also joined by ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell who shared his analysis of rapidly rising tensions between Iran and Albania, and how it could affect the rest of the world.

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