Podcast Unvaccinated and Healthy - Episode 0004 - Steven Macek (Australia) - Sep03, 2022

1 year ago

🙌 Podcast Unvaccinated and Healthy - Episode 0004 - Steven Macek (Australia) - Sep03, 2022 💪📣

Meet Steven Macek, from Australia!! He is a storyteller and pursuit expert who emphasizes critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.

Being unvaccinated in Australia has not been easy, because Australia is one of the countries that implemented the harshest measures and most divisive policies for its unvaccinated citizens.

He has an academic background in philosophy and psychology, and has experience working with bioethics.

What an interesting conversation!!

😉 Do you want to share your story? Contact us!: contacto@unvaccinatedandhealthy.info

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See you there! 🙌

👉 Recommended material that we wrote in April 2020 when the biggest nonsense and absurdities began. Very interesting!:
Book "Homo Brutus Imaginatius (HBI)" https://www.amazon.com.mx/Homo-Brutus-Imaginatius-HBI-sociedad-ebook/dp/B088C3S2T7

#unvaccinated #unjabbed #healthy #podcast #health #resilience #healthylife #systemsthinking #wellness #wellbeing #socialimpact #Australia

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