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What the birth certificate really is

2 years ago

In this video I show you that the birth certificate is a warehouse receipt. And of course the warehouse receipt is not what you expected to be. But it does show that what is written on the birth certificate is property whether owned jointly or by one person.

UCC article 7 is the birth certificate section read it for yourself: https://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/7

This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information


  • 0/2000
  • Joe, you are providing such a great service to the People of our nation. Your research, along with the references you provide, are so eye-opening. Thank you for everything you do!

  • 7:15 In common with others... Say a school district? 🤔

  • Hi Joe, are all BC's all over the world registered to DC?

    1 like
  • Poor production on this one. Maybe rethink it and try again. A good source of information would be tasa.americanstatenationals.us