The Simplicity of [Self Awareness] PT4

1 year ago

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Letting Go

One cannot let go of something if one is holding on.
Letting go is in the moment,
but if one is still holding on, there will be no letting go
of what is still being held onto ?
You ever watched a Monkey swing from tree to tree,
the Monkey would be in a right mess if it held on to the tree behind it.

It seems one must reach a point where no matter what one does fighting
to "hold on" becomes unbearable, one has no choice but to surrender, to
give in, to Let Go, otherwise one will just have to endure the battle that ultimately will end in one's demise. If one chooses to battle a power "out
there" that one "thinks", believes, is greater than OneSelf it will not
be the power "out there" that will defeat oneself, it is the belief that the
power out there is greater than the Power that is One's True Identity that
will defeat oneself. As one lets go of trying to control a situation, the
situation may or may not happen regardless, but it will not affect oneself. Frustration comes of trying to control "hold on" to the situation and make
the situation happen the way one wants it to happen and when it does
not happen the way one wants it to, one gets frustrated and tries to control/manipulate the situation more. A vicious circle the mind seems
to get trapped in. Letting go of one's portion of time/space reality as a
material claim of possessions is not a loss, but a gain. Imagine, one may
seem to be here today, but what if something happened out of one's own seeming control and one disappeared off of the face of the earth
tomorrow. Where would all of one's possessions be if one seemed not to
have them any longer in the material world sense? Hypothetically one
would have LET GO, as there would be no choice in the matter. Could
one do the same if one knew that tomorrow would be just another day?
The point here is why does one seem to have a problem "letting go" of
something that in essence ties one down and makes one a slave to the
one Life that one seems to love more than anything, why is one
seemingly bound by the very Life one loves, where one could have the
things one loves but not be bound by them or seemingly Life Itself?
Feelings translated are emotionalisms. Emotion experienced without
closure seems to create a distortion of the Emotion being felt, hence an "emotionalism" is set up and judged as good or bad, or somewhere in-
between. A denial is set up in the mind by the unresolved emotionalism
that seems to create a sense of guilt, that seems to keep the whole thing
in an active cycle until the cycle is broken. The human mind is a reporter,
it reports on past, present and future events, based on past judgements
and conditioning. It then judges the outcome of that reporting and holds
it in guilt, thereby perpetuating a justification of its existence, always
living in fear that its eventual outcome is based in its past present and
future judgements of the reporting.

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