Vitamin B12 Deficiency_Resonance therapy session_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY

1 year ago

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause physical, neurological and psychological symptoms. The symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can develop slowly and can get worse over time. Some people may have no symptoms despite having a low level of vitamin B12 in their bodies. People with vitamin B12 deficiency can have neurological symptoms and/or damage without anemia (lack of red blood cells).
General physical symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can include:
Feeling very tired or weak.
Experiencing nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Not feeling as hungry as usual.
Weight loss.
Having a sore mouth or tongue.
Having yellowish skin.
Neurological symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can include:
Numbness or tingling in your hands and feet.
Vision problems.
Having a hard time remembering things or getting confused easily.
Having a difficult time walking or speaking like you usually do.
If neurological problems develop from vitamin B12 deficiency, they may not be reversible.
Psychological symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can include:
Feeling depressed.
Feeling irritable.
Experiencing a change in the way you feel and behave.
Music affects a person, it can calm and cheer up, sounds can heal. The therapeutic effect is due to the frequency fluctuations of various sounds that resonate with various organs of the body. Sounds have bioresonance compatibility with the vibrations of human internal organs, which is the basis of the positive effect of sound treatment. The sound vibrations of music trigger many mechanisms of higher nervous activity in the patient's subconscious and start the healing process.
Sound therapy does not replace medical treatment, but complements it, improves the positive dynamics of treatment and speeds up recovery.
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#bioresonance #Resonance_therapy_session#sound_treatment
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