HALCON'S HAS-250 Anti-Ship Missile - A New Ultimate Ship Killer

3 years ago

In this video we talk about HALCON'S HAS-250 Anti-ship missile the new ultimate ship killer made in the UAE.

The ability to defend its shores is a crucial capability for a country's sovereignty.

To do so coastal defence can be supported by several weapon systems.

One is the so called Anti-ship missile.

An anti-ship missile (AShM) is a guided missile that is designed for use against ships and large boats. Most anti-ship missiles are of the sea skimming variety, and many use a combination of inertial guidance and active radar homing. A good number of other anti-ship missiles use infrared homing to follow the heat that is emitted by a ship; it is also possible for anti-ship missiles to be guided by radio command all the way.

The first anti-ship missiles, which were developed and built by Nazi Germany, used radio command guidance. These saw some success in the Mediterranean Theatre during 1943–44, sinking or heavily damaging at least 31 ships with the Henschel Hs 293 and more than seven with the Fritz X, including the Italian battleship Roma and the light cruiser USS Savannah. A variant of the HS 293 had a TV camera/transmitter on board. The bomber carrying it could then fly outside the range of naval anti-aircraft guns and use visual guidance via the bombardier to lead the missile to its target by radio control.

Many anti-ship missiles can be launched from a variety of weapons systems including surface warships (they can then be referred to as ship-to-ship missiles), submarines, bombers, fighter planes, patrol planes, helicopters, shore batteries, land vehicles, and, conceivably, even infantrymen firing shoulder-launched missiles. The term surface-to-surface missile (SSM) is used when appropriate. The longer-range anti-ship missiles are often called anti-ship cruise missiles.

The HAS-250 is a UAE-designed and developed surface-to-surface missile capable of travelling at speeds of up to 0.8 Mach with a range of over 250 km.

During its terminal phase, it can fly towards its target at a sea-skimming altitude of below 5m.

It can attack nearly any sort of vessel including even air craft carriers or entire strike carrier groups.

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