Google Uses Infowars Video to Test ‘Prebunk’ Technique that ‘Inoculates’ People Against ‘Misinf...

1 year ago

Google Uses Infowars Video to Test ‘Prebunk’ Technique that ‘Inoculates’ People Against ‘Misinformation’

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A Google research team is testing whether people can be “inoculated” against misinformation by being shown informational ads that “prebunk” specific narratives, training them how to spot manipulative rhetorical strategies. One such study conducted by Google’s Jigsaw division and researchers at Harvard University’s Emergency Preparedness, Research, Evaluation, and Practice Program and American University featured a clip from a video created by Infowars producer Greg Reese. The purported goal of the study was to “test inoculation messages in the form of short video messages to promote resistance against persuasion by COVID-19 vaccine misinformation,” a strategy dubbed “prebunking,” or “attitudinal inoculation.” The...

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