5 Ways Intelligent People Can Ruin Their Success | Mr. Bee Wise

1 year ago

5 Ways Intelligent People Can Ruin Their Success.
Which of these five patterns do you identify with the most? Try rank-ordering them. Are there colleagues or other people in your life who seem to fall into these traps? Try to let go of any sense of shame or judgment — it’s not necessary or useful for overcoming these habits. For any of the tendencies you personally relate to, know that even longstanding and deeply psychological patterns can be turned around with the targeted, practical, problem-solving approach I’ve outlined here.

Hi, I'm Mr. Bee Wise your coach towards your success. I believe that life needs to be about more than struggling to pay the bills. I am engaging, practical approach which can help you to gain a fresh perspective on success. I know that each small step in the right direction can have a powerful effect on people’s finances and happiness, whatever the starting point.

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