Tenth Avenue Angel Patriotic July 4th Block Party Speech (1948)

1 year ago

Tenth Avenue Angel Patriotic July 4th Block Party Speech (1948)

"160 years have passed since the fourth of July, 1776."

"We have subdued a wilderness, that men said could not be conquered. We have established a civilization where others insisted a civilization could not survive."

"We have built a Republic, a government, for which, in the extent of its democracy, there had been no precedent. Our country, richly endowed in body, mind, and spirit, still has need of many things, but I am certain one of its greatest needs today is the enlistment
of the spirit of youth."

"Our war for independence was a young man's crusade. Our constitution likewise was
the creation of young minds. Be wise enough, be tolerant enough, you who are young in years, to remember that millions of older people have kept, and propose to keep, those qualities of youth."

"You ought to thank God tonight if, regardless of your years, you're young enough in spirit to dream dreams and see visions, dreams and visions about a greater and finer America there is to be, that poverty can be lessened, that class hatreds, can be done away with, and that peace at home and peace abroad can be maintained."

"And that one day a generation may possess this land blessed beyond anything we now know, blessed with those things, material and spiritual, which makes man's life abundant."

"If that is the fashion of your dreaming, then I say, 'hold fast to your dreams.'"

"America needs it."

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