"That's Just Insane!" - It Is Clearly Crazy, If Not Sinister, to Recommend Jabs for Children

2 years ago

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo is the first and only Surgeon General in the United States to recommend AGAINST the COVID jab for healthy children.

"It's pretty routine to learn something years later about some off-target effect on a medication — that's just how it is. We don't know everything!

So you take an extraordinarily low-risk group, and you recommend something that is new, that is not well understood, and is unclear whether they'll benefit from [it]? And wanes in terms of any efficacy it has on this particular [sickness]? That's just insane!"

Full Episode: tinyurl.com/Highwire-283
🔗: https://t.me/VigilantFox
Vote for David SHAW to stop the jabs in Mississauga: 
📌 https://librti.com/view-persons-profile/davidshaw4mayor
🌐 Iwillworkforthepeople.ca

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