The Vaccine Scandal

2 years ago


Ted Kuntz founded Vaccine Choice Canada after his son was horribly injured by a vaccine he was given early in life. This was a terrible crime, because our Governments - and the Pharmaceutical Industry - both knew that the vaccines could be dangerous to children. But in Canada, big business is so powerful that Mr. Kuntz and his wife were never told about the risks and they and their son were forced to pay a terrible price for decades. It is very possible that the entire vaccine story we are told is a pack of lies. It is very possible that vaccines are both ineffective and unsafe. So we don't need them and they are dangerous. But they are also very profitable .... so here we are.

Because there is big money in vaccines - everyone lies. Health Canada, who approves these vaccines, lie to us about safety and effectiveness. The media, who always pretend to be our great friend, they refuse to report the truth. All the Corporate Journalists on Television, Radio, the Newspapers and etc... not one of them ever dares report the truth about vaccines because they know the truth is not allowed and they would be fired immediately if they said something outside of 'the official story'.

We are always told that vaccines are safe and effective. They are a great miracle of modern medicine. Vaccines have saved the health and lives of countless numbers of children. We are so lucky to have vaccines.
But there is a great deal of evidence that vaccines did not save children and get rid of the diseases. We talk about that evidence in the video. There is a lot of evidence that the healthiest children are the ones with the least amount of vaccinations. There is a real risk that vaccines are dangerous. There is evidence that vaccinated children will have more health problems for their whole lives. We talk about that evidence.
We discuss the link between vaccines and autism. We talk about the way the U.S. CDC hid the evidence of that link between vaccines and autism. We ask why the media will not report that and how our governments don't care and pretend it is all safe.

Things are a mess in Canada folks. This vaccine scandal, the betrayal of us all for corporate profit, is just one tip of the iceberg.

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