NEW YORKERS Support unvaxxed Sanitation hold outs, met with union thugs 8th Sept

2 years ago

Firstly, FUCK THE QUEEN!!!

Secondly, take a look at the quasi-mafioso, street gang tactics these Dept of Sanitation OFFICE workers take to protect the Union Don. Harry is a slick politician with meat-suit grifters on the take surrounding him.

Fucking sell outs! Harry claims to have 'done all he could' for the City workers forced off their job because they don't want the clot shot. He clearly didn't do enough and he certainly is not used to having a pack of wolves calling him out for his corruption. Look closely. All of the sell-out cucks you see in black shirts are pencil pushers; not one shop head or garbage man who touches a truck or garbage. Thugs. That's all they are. They got called out today.

And fuck the Queen! These thugs will be found out. Like the queen, the Union heads have NO BALLS. They claim that ''there is nothing they can do.''

EVERY UNION HEAD says the same shit. Always push it off uphill. Blame the mayor or the 'mandates' as if they can't be fought. We'll keep you in mind for a later date, CUCK!

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