In 2013, only singers … soon it will be all THE PEOPLE (read description)

2 years ago

Video from “Yustos Anthony” YouTube channel.

That spirit of self determination, sovereignty, brotherhood and diversity did not die … and the devils can not suppress it … they invented covid, the so called “vaccine”, green passports and the mask – which all failed miserably, so that is why now they are trying to get it done by war. Notice in the video which nations sent singers to participate and then draw a parallel to which countries the devils planted their dogs at the leadership … coincidence ?! – I don’t think so … The devils knew even then that these countries pose a threat to their hellish plans, so they infested them sending their dogs (Hungary somehow managed to play it down). These are the devils final moments, when they realize their end is very, very close. I knew they already lost and I warned them about that even two years ago – they didn’t want to believe and insisted to experience it the hard way – LET THEM.

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