Constitution FOR America 1953 - A Conversation - D C D

2 years ago

T & Teacup - A Conversation from August 7, 2022 - Part 5 of 5
You DECIDE: D - Do Your Research...C - Connect The Dots...D - Make Your Own Decisions.

The Constitution for America was created in 1953, to stabilize our economy, create fairness in all dealings, and using the 10 Commandments of God; to manufacturer a declaration of living a more spiritual lifestyle as a government, state and person.

The NEW; Constitution for America is of this date of 23, August 2022

The Republic signed our Constitution as a Contract for all to witness, that our land would respect and honor all life which resides upon her (Terra) realm. That we as a people, can agree that all should be protected and free to live a blessed life. We accept the terms to help one another, share with each other and to give each other inalienable rights; the basic principles of biological needs and the opportunities to gain prosperity, education, and thus, protection from any tyrannical rule. The Federal government, nor the states, are endowed with power to strip people of their basic fundamental rights as sons or daughters of God, living and breathing on this planet, country, state, community and home.

Our forefathers granted us a Constitution with inalienable rights, to live as King and Queens on this land. They protected us from slavery, treason, tyranny and irregular justice. “We The People” for the American Republic, agree to create, defend, and protect our rights from anyone or anything invading our lands. Through sea, space or soil; we are claiming our independence and freedom to live as God had intended. We are free from all those who did us wrong and look for the new adventures of making a new world in which we are equal under God all mighty! Bless our world, by blessing us.

Amendment 1: Provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment 2: Gives the citizen (Kings and Queens) the right to bear arms and protect from threatening influences and aggressive behaviors towards our life and liberties.

Amendment 3: Prohibits the government from quartering troops in private homes, a major grievance during the American Revolution. To prohibit to modern day situations, enforce aliens to live with American families. To steal our land for sanctuary cities for foreign troops and invaders to reside or set up residence upon our soil. To prohibit the skill training, tactical secrets and weapons to those that are foe to our land and our purpose.

Amendment 4: regarding the unnecessary, unwarranted, and un-American break-in by law enforcement agents; to be deemed criminal actions and acts of violence to those who are protected from unlawful actions. Further to expand into listening, following, tapping or spying illicitly for ill gains. To protect against maleficent intentions, harassment behavior and false claims; is viewed as actions of aggression towards the mind, body, and spirit.

Amendment 5: Provides that citizens not be subject to criminal prosecution and punishment without due process. Citizens may not be tried on the same set of facts twice and are protected from self-incrimination (the right to remain silent). The amendment also establishes the power of eminent domain, ensuring that private property is not seized for public use without just compensation.

Amendment 6: assures the right to a speedy trial by a jury of one’s peers, to be informed of the crimes with which one is charged, and to confront the witnesses brought forward by the government. The amendment also provides the accused the right to compel testimony from witnesses, as well as, the right to legal representation.

Amendment 7: provides that congress cases are inherently, and methodically preserves the right to trial by jurisprudence.

Amendment 8: prohibits excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel and unusual punishment. That anyone who is under containment is to seek remedy, nutritional foods and protection against cruel medical experimentation. Anyone who is held in captivity, shall still be treated with respect and honor, thus distinguishing any unconscionable treatment.

Amendment 9: states, that the list of rights enumerated in the Constitution is not exhaustive, and that the people retain all rights not enumerated. For the rule of protection to be adaptable for the growing world and to pertain to the existing civilization. To maintain fluidity for an ever changing and empowering nation. Hence, to always work with the people and avoid restraints, restrictions and unfairness where these behaviors are not necessary or warranted. To create a society who self governs in just actions and cause of actions; with balance and forethought.

Amendment 10: assigned all powers not delegated to the United States, or prohibited to the States, to either the States or to the people.

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