Dr. James Thorp - Covid shots are destroying female fertility & harming babies

2 years ago

Sept 08, 2022
Source: www.bitchute.com/video/F1MdSqaVKDLQ/?list=subscriptions

Dr. James Thorp, board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology (OBGYN) and a specialist in maternal-fetal medicine with over 42 years of experience, is seeing disastrous side effects of Covid shots in his patients. From a never-before-seen spike in menstrual disorders to an increase in stillbirths, miscarriages, fetal malformations, and growth restrictions, the shot is causing enormous damage to women's reproductive systems and to their unborn babies.

The doctor also explained that women, no matter how young, possess a limited number of eggs that may become contaminated by the potentially toxic vaccine ingredients such as lipid nanoparticles. That might lead to unforeseen long-term implications for future generations.

Most awfully, the fact that Pfizer’s post-marketing damning safety data presented to the FDA was released long ago suggests that the health authorities and medical boards are well-aware of the common and serious side effects of Covid shots yet continue to promote them.

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