China's Walking Dead: Inside The Warped World Of China's Communist Officialdom

1 year ago

"We live like walking dead -- without souls."

-- Former Chinese Police Commissioner and Deputy Chief of The Ministry of Public Security


China's 'Walking Dead': Inside The Warped World Of China's Communist Officialdom
Special Episode Featuring Kay Rubacek
By Jan Jekielek
American Thought Leaders / The Epoch Times
September 3, 2022

An opaque regime now at the helm of authoritarianism globally, the Chinese Communist Party has managed to hide much of its inner workings with a massive propaganda apparatus and surveillance state.

Those who expose the regime's secrets face imprisonment, torture, or death. Kay Rubacek, an award-winning filmmaker, managed to find and interview a number of defectors around the globe. She’s pored through official documents and speeches to understand the worldview of people serving the regime.

In this special episode, featuring never-before-released interviews with former insiders, Kay Rubacek and Jan Jekielek dive into the warped world of China's communist leadership, one largely hidden from public view by a massive propaganda apparatus.

Kay Rubacek is the director of the documentary “Finding Courage,” the author of “Who Are China’s Walking Dead?,” and former host of the NTD show Life & Times.

Finding Courage (Documentary)

Who Are China’s Walking Dead? (Book)


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