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15 seconds

God bless our Queen


  • 0/2000
  • The real Queen of England is ELTON JOHN.

  • Her and her whole family are pedophiles and evil. Change your title

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  • Is this a joke? May she be standing before Yahuah answering for ALL the crimes she participated in, perpetuated and condoned! That includes the DEATH OF DIANNA

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  • "Excuse me Prince Charles, do you mind me asking what you are doing with your mom?" "I was just trying to make her more comfortable." "In that case...shouldn't the pillow go behind her head?"

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  • When we have so much more to be concerned about ...so much happening that needs our attention, we are giving our attention to a Royal family that doesn't care if we live or die. We might as well be ants on the highway. To them we barely exist. So please lets get back to what's important we have a Federal and Provincial leadership race going on , and a Prime Minister who wants to enslave us. Lets focus.

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