Destiny 2 | Skydock IV | Legend Lost Sector | Solo Flawless | Sunbreaker Titan

2 years ago

The Destiny 2 Legend Lost Sector for today, Skydock IV. Completed using Sunbreaker Titan Solo Flawless with a Platinum rating. Skydock IV is the 2nd Lost Sector on the EDZ that is in the rotation for Season of the Haunted (Season 17). Found in The Sunken Isles. The champions are Barrier and Unstoppable. The burn is Solarand there's Void shields.

This was my first attempt at this one. I can definitely get that time way down lol

Sunbreaker Titan
Thermite Grenade
Hammer Throw
Aspects: Roaring Flames, Sol Invictus
Fragments: Ember of Singeing, Ember of Searing, Ember of Solace, Ember of Eruption
The Lament
Path of the Burning Steps

Melee Wellmaker
Elemental Armaments
Seeking Wells
Well of Life
Fony of Might
Flame Harvesting
2x Armor of the Dying Star


Season 17 Legend Lost Sectors:


#Destiny2 #LegendLostSector #Season17 #SeasonoftheHaunted #WitchQueen

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