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15 seconds

Medical Crisis

2 years ago


Vicki Joy Anderson- https://www.VickiJoyAnderson.com/

Intro music featuring: "Through the Black" by Cast The Dragon off of their album Annihilate the Adversary released on September 18, 2020.
Available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Through-The-Black/dp/B08GMZB64S

Hear the Watchmen: Advanced Spiritual Warfare Training Workshop
October 14-16, 2022
Louisville, Kentucky
For more information and to register: https://www.hearthewatchmen.com/spiritual-warfare-training


Through the Black is sponsored by:

*Simply Clean Food: http://www.simplycleanfoods.net/
use coupon code realdarknews for 5% off
*Movida Oils: https://movidaoils.com/
use promo code TTB20 for 20% off

TtB affiliate links:
Youngevity: https://throughtheblack.youngevity.com/us_en/

Any audio clips or video clips used in the show are done so for discussion and educational purposes. Where possible credit and links to the original creators will appear in the show notes.

Sharing of articles for educational and discussion purposes dose not necessarily mean that that show hosts agree with everything therein.


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  • This dear woman who loves her patients and who loves Jesus. May our Lord Jesus protect her with His warrior angels. Lord cover these dear people with Your precious blood. 🙏📖✝️❤

  • You know, there are two systems of medicine in this fallen world. There is the medical system of Babylon, and then there is the medical system of Homeopathic Medicine. God did not leave us as orphans to be victimized. He has provided a way of escape for us, but Babylon has stolen and hidden it. What Homeopathy is not: Essential oils, herbs, vitamin therapy, sauna therapy, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Ayurveda medicine. Homeopathy is not "home remedies." It is a complete system of medicine that is based on physics. While I am a professional Homeopath, anyone can learn this. It empowers you to take charge of your own health care and to be able to treat their own families. Homeopathy treats the whole person; it treats the physical body, the mind, and the emotions. Not only does it have the capabilities of treating acutes, and chronics, but it can also treat trauma. Homeopathic medicine is such a gift. I realize this is an older video, but for anyone seeing this now and it interested in learning. I highly suggest that you begin by following the work of Joette Calabrese. She is equipping families across the world to care for themselves and loved ones. She has free articles, podcasts, and an educational Youtube channel. That channel is available in English and Spanish. She also offers online classes. You can find her here: https://joettecalabrese.com I recommend reading this article to begin: https://joettecalabrese.com/podcast1/podcast-17-homeopathy-can-help-mothers-care-for-their-children/

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