I can do all things through Christ an Interview with Bishop Leon Benjamin

2 years ago

Bishop Leon Benjamin is a native of Richmond, Virginia. He is the Republican candidate for the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia. A veteran of the US Navy (1986-1994), and Senior Pastor of New Life Harvest Church, he is also the founder of the Coalition of Leaders United (CLU), dedicated to advancing conservative values and restoring moral clarity in America.

In this episode we discuss the following:

-What has driven Bishop Benjamin to run for congress in the November 2022 election.

-What happened during the 2020 elections, in which the Bishop also ran.

-What the people of Virginia and the people of the US are looking for from their government.

-The economic concerns, and crime of not only Virginia, but of the United States.

-What compelled the Bishop to cease his affiliation with the Democrat side of politics and align with Republicans.

-Who is really running the United States and why there has been a decay in the political process.

-If Bishop Benjamin were to be elected, would he be swayed by others or continue to do God’s work, or a bit of both?

-Bishop Benjamin has said in the past “We are seeing Good vs Evil playing out in politics”. He explains this comment.

-Why should those not of faith vote for Leon Benjamin?

-The concept that doctors were never meant to have the final say so in our lives and that unelected officials recently took over our lives.

-Don’t say in your heart there is no hope, get active and drown out the noise.

Websites referenced in the interview.
Bishop’s website. Leon Benjamin for Congress.

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