287 First Must He Suffer Many Things (Luke 17:20-25) 1 of 2

2 years ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) The pro-life Labrant family is the latest to be vicious attacked by the Marxist mob for gently, carefully exposing the truth about abortion. (2) Statista polling shows the decline in number of Americans who read the Bible daily, or at all. We see the connection between this and the increased level of violence, suicide and murder in these last days.

In our study, we look at the present "inward state" of the Kingdom of God and WHEN it will become an earthly, visible reality. We are warned about false Christs and how to know without a doubt the next time we will actually see Jesus. And then end with the reminder that at the time of this text, Jesus still had to go to the Cross and that we, too, must suffer many things before we wear a crown of reward in His presence.


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