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Westerly, RI School Teacher Carmela Sammatoro Wants School Committee Members And Administrators To Shut Down Dissenting Voices At First Breathe

2 years ago

Go to the 4:22 mark where she asks the school committee and current administrator to “shut down the rhetoric at the podium at first breathe” thus killing free speech.

Carmela Sammataro is a Westerly, RI teacher that claims harassment, bullying and attacks on teachers and school curriculim have no basis and must stop.

However, she wants to silence the voice of Westerly resident Robert Chiaradio for bringing to light issues facing the school system and especially the students in the care of teachers.


  • 0/2000
  • Arrogant, smug and condescending.Thinks she has ultimate power! I bet she's like that in her classroom too! She needs to RETIRE!

  • https://tiny.one/VoteRI

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