Justin Trudeau Reads: "How The Prime Minister Stole Freedom"

2 years ago

#trudeau #how the prime minister stole freedom

Justin Trudeau Reads:"How The Prime Minister Stole Freedom"

New viral video of Justin Trudeau reading the best selling book :How the Prime Minister Stole Freedom" by Derek Smith is the ultimate "Deep Fake: Produced by Alex WoodsZ, this video of Justin Trudeau uses cutting edge technology to create a parody that leaves you wondering if it's actually real. In fact this Deep Fake video fo Justin Trudeau bends reality and makes us wonder how this new art form will affect our society.

Join Freedom Reporter Rick Walker on the Maverick News Channel for this interview with the author of the book "How The Prime Minister Stole Freedom" Derek Smith as we review the video, and explore the issues and social implications that surround it.

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Alex WoodsZ

How the Prime Minister Stole Freedom on Amazon:

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