"The Dark Secrets of the Vatican's Mysterious Secret Societies!"

1 year ago

Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, completely enclosed within the city of Rome, with an area of around 110 acres and a population of roughly 1,000 people, but its modest physical size conceals its considerably outsized influence and authority. As the seat of the Holy See, the pope's jurisdiction, Vatican City serves as the Catholic Church's command center, the world's oldest and biggest continuously operational religious organization.
Vatican City is an important cultural hub since it is home to St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and the Vatican Museums. It's quite significant. And, being the center of the world's greatest religious denomination, it's supposed to be a precious and holy site where God is present and stuff,
However, there are some less than heavenly stains on the Vatican's history dating back to some of the Middle Ages' less savory popes and to the Vatican's independence from Italy being given in 1929 by notoriously laidback man Benito Mussolini. Aside from conspiracy ideas like aliens or Templar riches, as well as the abuse scandals you've undoubtedly heard about, the pope and his pointy-hatted entourage would rather you didn't know about. Here are a few examples,
Pontifical secret, or "papal secrecy," was a confidentiality diktat that guarded and kept private all critical information regarding aspects of Church government.
Pope Francis released new legislation on his 83rd birthday, Tuesday (December 17), that banned the "pontifical secret" that had been employed in cases of sexual abuse by Roman Catholic clergy.

The Vatican Bank, formally known as the Institutum per Operibus Religionis ("Institute for Religious Works") or IOR, is a scandal-plagued financial institution. Since its inception in 1942, the Catholic Church's major financial organization has been entangled in so many controversies that Business Insider was able to compile a neat little top five list based on the 2015 book God's Bankers.
The bank was established during World War II to circumvent the Allies' limitations on financial operations, and as a result of being immune from such restrictions, the Vatican Bank became the "world's best offshore bank." Since then, the Vatican bank has gained notoriety for its ties to organized crime, which uses the Vatican's sovereignty to avoid the scrutiny of international banks. The Vatican allegedly attempted to acquire $900 million in counterfeit bonds and securities from a Mafia-linked organization in the 1970s, and a priest was detained in 2013 for attempting to use the Vatican Bank to transport millions of euros for the crime.
Gianluigi Nuzzi, an Italian journalist, released His Holiness: The Secret Papers of Benedict XVI in 2012, which was made up of private correspondence and other confidential materials revealed to Nuzzi by Benedict's personal butler. This book provided a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the Vatican, including proof of widespread corruption and accusations that the Holy See is rife with envy and backstabbing, according to The Huffington Post.
Because, of course, this leak incident became known as Vatileaks. Even more bizarre, according to The Guardian, when the Vatican launched an internal investigation into the leak of these documents, they discovered that individuals outside the Vatican were blackmailing an underground "network of gay prelates" who were allegedly holding gay orgies in villas, beauty parlors, and saunas in and around Rome. Many people, including Pope Benedict's brother, think that the stress of these scandals led to Benedict's decision to leave the pope. This conclusion appears... quite plausible.

The second wave of leaks, known as Vatileaks 2, came in 2015, again with a book by Nuzzi at the core, but the sequel, according to The New Yorker, didn't have quite the same spicy thrill as round one. Whereas the first collection of documents depicted Benedict as overwhelmed and unable to control the maelstrom of corruption swirling around him, the second set depicts Francis as a daring reformer attempting to clean house within the Vatican bureaucracy. Unfortunately, there are no orgies in this one either.
Some offenses are deemed extremely terrible in the Catholic judicial system. The committed bishops of the extralegal tribunal who probe these heinous acts are members of an elite squad known as the Apostolic Penitentiary in Vatican City. These are their narratives.

According to The Telegraph, Pope Alexander III established the Apostolic Penitentiary, often known as the "tribunal of conscience," in 1179 and kept it secret until 2009. The tribunal considers cases involving heinous sins.

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