The Bone Crushing Hyenas ( Matriarchal Queen ) HD

2 years ago

Hyenas have exceptionally powerful carnassial teeth for sawing flesh and premolars for crushing bones. The hyenas teeth are organised so that the molars which crush bones do not interfere with the carnassial which slice the meat. Hyenas are different in their feeding to other animals as they clearly go for the joints and bones first. They are quick to focus in on the hindquarters and eat inwards to find the bone, whereupon they chew that up as well. I would assume that they do this to get to the marrow and then the meat after that, although this is just my own opinion. I am not sure if bone marrow contains higher nutrient levels, etc – any thoughts you have are welcome. Owing to their strong and quick digestive system hyenas can eat and digest their entire prey: meat, skin, bones and horn.

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