BFGC - Sep 4, 2022 Why We Pray

2 years ago

Daily prayer time in the life of a New Testament believer is not an optional activity and if done correctly, will bring godly power and wisdom into the life of the person praying. Our Prayers always need to start with praise and thanksgiving to God and if we have any issues with sin, or with unforgiveness towards others, we need to ask for forgiveness before we start our talk with Yehovah. God's Will should always be the main focus of our prayer time and bringing glory to His Name should never be forgotten. Learn to pray for the needs of others as an intercessor and trust God to fulfill the promises He has made to those that are faithful and trust in Him. Focus on your obedience to God and learning to hear His Voice, take Him at His Word and don't spend all your prayer time reminding God of all your needs. Learn to obey quickly and ask Him about your assignment for today, He already knows what you need, trust His Plan.

Love God, Love your Neighbor, Preach the Kingdom
Make Disciples, Sanctify the Name of Yehovah

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