Cowering No More 9-7-22

2 years ago

Austin Ruse, the President of the ‘Center for Family and Human Rights’, and author of ‘Under Siege: No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholic’
resolution just passed by the United Nations which acknowledges access to abortion as a “human right”, and the lack of support from even some professed Pro-Life nations in standing against it.

Michael Warren Davis is an editor and spokesman for Sophia Institute Press. He is also a contributing editor for The American Conservative. He previously served as editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine and U.S. editor of the Catholic Herald. He is the author of The Reactionary Mind (Regnery, 2021) and a forthcoming book The Times Are Wretched (Sophia, 2024).
Scarlett Johnson , Moms for Liberty Chapter Chair from Ozaukee, WI. Comprehensive Sex Ed and why it's so critical to stand up right now. CSE is the new CRT but on steroids.

Jonathan Hofer, is a Research Associate at the Independent Institute. He is author of the new report, The Pitfalls of Law Enforcement License Plate Readers in California and Safeguards to Protect the Public.

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