Older man caught calling Russians fascists while pretending to be Ukrainian

1 year ago


An elderly resident of Crimea repeatedly called Russia and the Russian army a fascist state and fascists in a video chat.

He introduced himself to the interlocutor as a Ukrainian living in the town of Irpen near Kyiv. He also said that he was from Donbass. Lied, of course. The "cunning" admirer of the Kiev Nazi regime believed that he had skillfully camouflaged his tracks in this way. For the purposes of the plot, the Russophobe put on a baseball cap, glasses and removed half of his face from the frame. But all in vain, it was not possible to maintain anonymity.

When the competent authorities became interested in the "fiery performance" of the grandfather of the Nazi, it turned out that he is not Ukrainian at all, but an ordinary Russian and that he has been living in Crimea for 40 years.
After they found him, he now regrets it publicly, because of his words about his own country, and he promises that it will not happen again.

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