The only thing simpler than this pizza is a store-bought pizza) Watch with sound.

1 year ago

I've made pizza classic, on bread, on puff pastry and even on meat) Now pizza on pita bread) It turns out very tasty and fast)
📝 Pizza Carbonara:
Lavash - 1pc.
Suluguni cheese - 100g
Mini mozzarella - 3pc
Cherry tomatoes - 4pcs
Bacon/bacon brisket - 50g
Red onions - 1/4 unit
Ruccola - to serve
📝Cream sauce:
Yolk - 1pc.
Cream - 100ml (20%)
Dry garlic, salt.
🍕Cut out two pieces of lavash, according to the shape we are going to cook it in. Put the first part on the bottom (do not grease the form), sprinkle it with grated cheese and smear the lavash edges with milk or water. Cover with the second part of the pita and press the edges well.
🍕 In a container mix room temperature cream with egg yolk, dried garlic and salt until it thickens. (If the sauce does not thicken, add 1-2 teaspoons of flour). Coat the second part of the pita with the sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. Next we lay the rest of the ingredients) Bacon, red onions, tomatoes and mozzarella) We put it in the oven at 250-270 degrees for 5-10 minutes. As the cheese melts and the edges of the pita start to crisp, it's done)

📝 turkey pizza with vegetables:
Lavash - 1pc.
turkey - 50-100gr
Suluguni cheese - 100g
Mozzarella mini - 3 units
Brynza cheese - 50g
Cherry tomatoes - 4pc
Red sweet bell pepper - 1/4 unit
Olives - 3 units
Repeat the procedure as in the first recipe) Put grated cheese between pita bread, then sauce and all other ingredients)
Enjoy ❤️ It goes well with the foam)

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