Frederick Spartacus - WBS

2 years ago
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White Boy Summer (WBS)
© Frederick Spartacus
It's a white-boy summer.
Since the late midsummer
the Double u 8 - stunner
So turn it up now
For a ban frontrunner
Cuz we got our scunners
So all you fresh young gunners..
turn it up now
Just so they know
Speech freedom
ain't the next thing
that will go! Yea!
It's a white-boy summer
So this fresh newcomer
Lets your hueless color
get some mo-rale
Networks show we're dumber
A troubled band of Mummers
But our esquires and plumbers
Can bring it all down
This useless Rome
This red-taped, gangland
Hellscape's not a home
So see the light
And think of this
When summer nights
Bring loneliness
Forgo the vice
And emo wrists
And know it's
Better to resist
Don't hate your life
For sinking ships
They cast into abyss

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