A MESSAGE FOR HUMANITY | Dissolving the Illusion of Separation.

2 years ago

The illusion of separation has taken over humanity to such a point where many of us actually believe is exists in the fundamental universe. Forgetting that separation is an illusion is the reason why we still have wars, corruptions, greed and disease rampant around the world today. The moment we can collectively see through this illusion is the moment the world will know peace. Share this far and wide to help raise the collective level of awareness of humanity!

Get a hard-copy of "Forming the Formless" here: https://www.amazon.com/Forming-Formless-Accessing-Elevating-Spirit/dp/1662400934/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=forming+the+formless&qid=1662560960&sprefix=forming+the+form%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-1

Jason :)

#jasonshurka #unity #UNIFYD #messages #spirituality

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