Motocross Racer Heals His Shoulder Injury with Stem Cells at Dream Body Clinic

2 years ago
5 (833) 445-9089
This patient is Jorge. Jorge is now an officially sponsored athlete for dream body clinic. He's the little brother of our office manager, and he's been doing some professional motocross racing here in Mexico. Motocross will really beat your body up. I've got a couple of dirt bikes myself, and it's not easy on the body. It is quite the workout, you'd be surprised. So in Jorge´s case, his shoulder is hurting him.
So what we did is we did the shoulder treatment. We started with an MRI, saw what is going on. It looks like he's got some ligament damage. His rotator cuffs got some issues and we need to fix that because we need him winning. You will see on this video we put 50 million stem cells into his shoulder. This is going to help those tissues regenerate, get rid of any scar tissue that's preventing the healing and then guide the cellular regeneration.
He can be back out there full throttled. Also because we want him to win, we also gave him an IV of a hundred million stem cells. The IV for athletic and sports performance, I have no doubt that it improves performance. About five years ago, over five years ago, when we started this I did a 300 million IV. Over the course of that year I was working out less than I normally do and all the same routines. Diet was okay. Even so, I still managed to put on 10 pounds of muscle that year, and I can only attribute it to the stem cells because they're finding inflammation. They're finding tissue that's broken down, which is what happens when you exercise and helps it.
I think this is going to be one of the future things of performance enhancement. A lot of guys are probably already doing it in the pro levels of major sports, not talking about it so much so they don´t knock out those advantages.
But if I was a pro athlete, I would be getting a lot of stem cells because it's not cheating. It's fine. Anytime you can have your body at peak performance, that's what you want. So if you want to learn more, we'd be happy to help you out. You can get ahold of us. Toll free anytime at 833 445 9089. Or check out the website, All the information's there.

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