#10. Twelve Questions that any Official has to answer | Mikhail Velichko

3 years ago

10th video in course "Educational Project: NOOSPHERE" by Mikhail Velichko

1:02 — 12 questions
3:33 — Question 1: In some coordinate axes, schematically depict the graphs of the distribution functions of a random variable and the probability distribution density. Explain their interconnection in words or in the form of a mathematical formula.
6:05 — Question 2: How to correlate statistics presented in a tabular form with the representation of the same statistics in the form of a distribution density?
8:50 — Question 3: What set of statistics, in your opinion, characterizes the life of the biospheric-social-economic system within the borders of the state?
17:07 — Question 4: Memoirs of which domestic and foreign politicians, scientists and technologists have you read up to this point?
26:21 — Question 5: Life is subordinated to objective laws. Indicate known to you examples of violations by state governance of pan-biospheric objective laws that characterize the life of ecosystems in the regions.
26:47 — Question 6: Offer a classification of objective laws that govern the life of society, i.e. combine them into groups according to one or another characteristic inherent in each group
27:46 — Question 7: Indicate known to you examples of violations by the state governance of objective biological laws that characterize the biological species ‘Homo sapiens’.
31:13 — Question 8: Build an enlarged scheme of money circulation in society.
34:27 — Question 10: Demonstrate your view on the principles of building the issuance policy of the state, i.e. on what principles should the issuance be carried out (in Russia - in rubles, in other states - in their legal currencies)?
35:53 — Question 11: Give the most general, in your understanding, definition of the term governance, applicable to all situations in life.
36:40 — Question 12: What is the difference in processes of governance between control parameters and free parameters?

Question 9 is answered in course of the video — How, in your opinion, will the functioning of the economy (the production-consumption system of society) differ in the following cases: first — acting in the system of the institution of lending with loan interest; second — acting in the system of the institution of interest-free lending?

What is SOVEST?
See the video "What Makes Russians Different?" https://youtu.be/3ORQ062aWuU

#velichko #noosphere #12questions

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