How to Train Your Puppy

2 years ago

1. Start early!
Puppies need lots of time to develop their skills and learn how to behave around people. If you start training them at 8 weeks old, they’ll have a much easier time learning what you want them to do.
2. Be consistent
If you train your puppy consistently, he’ll get the idea that being good means getting treats. You don’t have to give him any treats if he doesn’t earn them – just keep doing what you’re teaching him.
3. Reward positive behavior
When your puppy does something right, reward him with praise and affection. He’ll love you even more after you show him that you appreciate his efforts.
4. Don’t punish bad behavior
Don’t yell or hit your puppy when he does something wrong. Instead, calmly tell him “no” and remove him from the situation. Then take away his favorite toys or food until he learns not to repeat the behavior.
5. Praise your puppy
Give your puppy lots of attention whenever he does something right. Let him know that you love him and that you appreciate everything he does.
6. Keep practicing
It may seem like your puppy is always doing something wrong, but that’s okay. Just keep working with him and he’ll eventually figure out what you want him to do.
7. Never stop loving your puppy
Your puppy won’t understand why you’re upset with him if you don’t let him know that you still care about him. Always treat him kindly and lovingly, and he’ll continue to learn what you expect from him.
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