"How to Effectively Manifest Results in Magick"

2 years ago

Welcome to the patron only broadcast!
(LIVE at 4:00 p.m. MST)

The intensive training that was put forward and the ritual instruction which is coming in the evening of the same day this broadcast is going out, talks very seriously about how to unite thought and emotion.

This is extremely important and has been talked about in a roundabout way through other practices of the intensive training even as far back as the runic block. For those that may not be in the Beserker level that may not mean much, however you can find some of these concepts even in the public broadcasts that I have done. I do not spell some certain key concepts out as clearly to the public as I do you here in our patron community because you have pledged COMMITMENT which is really what the Patreon side of things is all about!

I believe that regardless of where you are adding your own personal attainments that this will be something you will use in its concept and effective use.

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