#26. Biospheric Social Economic System as an Object of Governance | Mikhail Velichko

2 years ago

26th video in course "Educational Project: NOOSPHERE" by Mikhail Velichko

0:26 ― Introduction: Today is our third lecture on economics
2:14 ― This diagram gives an envisionable idea of ​​how the economy of the state functions
3:02 ― On intersectoral balance equations
3:51 ― The use of the SGTG (Sufficiently General Theory of Governance) in relation to the biospheric-social-economic system and its component ― the economy of the state
5:18 ― Scheme: "Structuring of Information in the Process of Governance"
7:00 ― Now the same scheme, but applied to the multisectoral production-consumption system
12:20 ― The structure of input-output balances in the cost form
15:15 ― Scheme: "Input-Output Balances and Structure of Functionally Conditioned Expenditures of Enterprises"
19:54 ― Equilibrium Price Equation
26:10 ― Mathematical models allow one to solve one of two tasks...
27:28 ― How can the objective laws, in accordance with which the civilization should live, be reflected in these very balance models?
30:57 ― Scheme: "Models of the Objectively Necessary Cyclics of the Objectives of State Governance"
33:13 ― Further, we run into problematics that are not solvable if we do not master the apparatus of mathematical statistics and probability theory
43:51 ― This picture characterizes one of the sectors as a source of goods for the satisfaction of some of the needs of people
54:58 ― Here it is necessary to pay attention to one more such governarially important thing ― retained earnings

For Answers to the questions:
See the video: https://youtu.be/3ORQ062aWuU

For an overview of the Conception of Social Safety: https://youtu.be/S8JshcVXG3s

#velichko #noosphere #economy

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