They Want us to Eat What!!!

2 years ago

Weather’s Soul – Podcast #4
Krista Raymond/John Odermatt – They Want us to Eat What!

Well, the Wacko’s we have elected along with those we did not are shaping and creating a world where “YOU” have no say as to your liberty to eat what you wish.

As food quality in our world continues to spiral because of genetically altered farming practices, corporate speculations due to agency demands and just generally the consumer giving up on their abilities to hold on to practices and values handed down by generation as to being sustainable in the new era of Woke!
The WEF (the World Economic Forum). A group of Wealthy Billionaires and the Crony’s who guide them have convince enough of the wacked out sheeple to practically eliminate those foods that they say contribute to the bulk of our climate change we see around the world.

From Milk production, Chickens and now the Beef Industry, all of these are targeted as gross producers of greenhouse gasses and should be eliminated so our dear mother earth will survive throughout our lifetime and our children’s.

In a conceited attempt to play God and a Power Play to control Nature. The pride of man has all but solidified his demise.
I bring back Krista Raymond, joined by John Odermatt and myself to discuss the inherent danger to our food supply and our sustainability as a culture.

Kick back and enjoy our conversation as we dive into the episode 4 of
Weather’d Soul

Twitter: alsoknownasTWS

Show Notes:
U.S. Public Broadcasting Promotes American Diet of Insects to Support Biden Climate Change
'Nitrogen Agenda' Used by Globalists to Take Land: Farmer Faces Having to Cull 95 Percent of His Cows
@ShellenbergerMD Goes off on Bug Eating
UN "Sustainability" Schemes Behind War on Farmers & Food

Special Thanks to…
Jason Stapleton – The Nomad Network
click here to join>
Marc Clair – The Lions of Liberty
Ken Madden -
Kris Harlos (Harkos) -

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