EXERCISE DEMO | Incline Dumbbell Chest Press | Coach Zach Mckenna

2 years ago

If the elbow joint is the first joint to move you’re not chest pressing bro. You’re still pressing bro, but you’re mostly pressing for slower gains and slower recovery….bro.

In training, the game is physics and when working out, the game is more like dodgeball.

Dodging, ducking, diving, dipping, and dodging proper technique for the sake of an ambiguous “reps” that look like Tetanus is coming to save everyones eyes from you.

For your own safety and the safety of our eyes, please make faster gains bro.

Our body is like a system of levers and pulleys that when put in proper alignment is capable of creating enough force to move heavy objects. To do so repeatedly and to progress how much weight you can move you need to train the functions of that movement. Aka the muscle functions that move your bones and allow you to move heavy objects.

When our alignment changes, the weight appears to change or better yet, the need for STRENGTH, and where it comes from changes.

To understand this instantly just grab a 5lb dumbbell and hold it to the middle of your chest. Then slowly move that itty bitty dumbbell as far infront of you as you arm can reach.
Once fully extended, now try moving the dumbbell out to the side of your shoulder.

What did you notice? Did your core/ shoulder/arms/back/legs/feet all start moving to help you ‘stabilize’ that itty bitty dumbbell weight?

Yeah they did right? But just as specifically as the directions were to move the dumbbell from its first position (chest) to its last position (side of shoulder) there was a specific sequence of events aka tension in different muscle groups to help coordinate the movement (the word ‘stabilize’ is thrown around a lot here to describe this ,but this is just lack of understanding of the physics at play. It’s more like a quarterback pass with a prayer that the receiver doesn’t drop the ball).

So whats happening if you’re not starting the movement from the proper position?

Are you still confident your chest pressing with the potential to progress the chest press if you’re starting the movement by bending the elbows?

Do you also just so happen to be suffering from elbow pain? This may not be the reason but you can be damn sure that if you are guilty of this you’re not helping your elbow.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game, cause thats who were going to charge for all those injuries that happen after those Tetanus reps.

If you our help improving your performance I suggest you break the ice by filling out an application ASAP.

But if you dont want faster, longer lasting, and overall greater results from your time spent in the gym than why are you still reading this?

For help with your performance goals and training effectiveness fill out a discovery call application at


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